Chimflex Tubing, makers of chimney liners, venting and accessories has a ULC approval for models 01 and 02, sizes 100 mm to 200 mm diameter, suitable for the venting of combustion products from gas, liquid or solid fuel fired appliances, where the flue temperatures are not normally expected to exceed 650°C. Installation Data – For installation only in existing tile lined or unlined masonry chimneys, or 650°C factory-built chimneys. Maximum height of chimney 9 m. Each lining system consists of labelled liner duct sections Model 01, or flexible liner Model 02, inlet tee, support bracket, roof flashing and raincap.
About the Manufacturer
Chim-Flex Tubing Inc. has been manufacturing high-quality flexible chimney liner and a variety of caps, protectors, and other products for over thirty years.
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