A descendant of our signature best-selling Jøtul F 500 Oslo wood stove, the Jøtul GF 500 DV IPI Portland offers the same whole house heating capabilities at the push of a button.
About the Manufacturer
Jotul is one of the world’s oldest producers of stoves, inserts, and fireplaces. Building on a proud Norwegian heritage, they have combined fine craftsmanship with the art of coping-with-the-cold for 160 years. The elegance of fine furniture can be yours when you invest in a Jøtul stove or fireplace insert. While it’s true that all Jøtul stoves and fireplace inserts are built to be efficient, durable, warm, and easy to operate…Jøtul wood and gas burning stoves, and fireplace inserts are also designed to bring romance and timeless beauty into your home and onto your hearth. In today’s hectic and busy world, there is no better way to experience the warmth of a fire than with a cast iron Jøtul wood or gas stoves or fireplace insert.
This highlighted product represents only one of the many options available. For more product choices, features, and details, please contact us or visit one of our locations!